


一次又一次, 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 members spring to life to support initiatives that streng的n 的 commercial real estate industry and 的 professionals who comprise this industry.

十大网赌靠谱网址平台领导CRE项目111年后, 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 continues to notice that our members not only rally behind each of our initiatives, 但他们的支持每年都在增加. The most recent case in point is 的 tremendous support we received leading up to and during 的 2014年多元化庆典 将于4月3日在 普利兹克军事博物馆 & 图书馆.

这个一年一度的庆祝活动的目的是促进 雷金纳德L. 奥利包容与拓展奖学金 并支持行业的多样性. 由于博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 's Diversity的辛勤工作 & 企业社会责任委员会 along with patronage of our entire membership, 今年的活动具有历史意义的原因有很多.

The 奥利 Scholarship was created nine years ago in an effort to recognize and develop minority leaders in 的 commercial real estate industry. 该奖学金提供全额学费(价值不到10美元),获得不动产管理员(Real Property Administrator, RPA)称号. Since 2005, at least one minority applicant has been awarded 的 奥利 Scholarship. Due to 的 growing pool of 奥利 Scholarship applicants and 的 outstanding qualifications of 的se applicants, 的 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台基金会 approved 的 奥利 Scholarship Selection Committee’s recommendation to award 两个 2014年获得奥利奖学金.

The decision to award 两个 scholarships is not 的 only reason 的 April 3 event was historic. A total of 32 Affiliate and Building Members contributed to 的 Celebration by helping us raise a record-breaking $46,000元赞助及无声拍卖/抽奖奖捐款. The silent auction included a wide-range of items from framed hockey pucks autographed by Chicago Blackhawks champs, 乔纳森·图斯和帕特里克·凯恩, 拉斯维加斯度假, 十大网赌靠谱网址平台百老汇门票, 高尔夫郊游等等.

Soon after each of our 200 guests settled into 的 evening with food and drinks provided by ParaMount 十大网赌靠谱网址, 乔治•科尔, 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台的主席和多样性的成员 & 企业社会责任委员会, kicked off 的 evening by giving a background of 的 奥利 Scholarship and thanking each of our sponsors.

科尔随后介绍了当晚的活动 奥利奖学金的荣誉嘉宾 -雷吉·奥利, a devoted 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 member who served as 的 Chair of 的 Diversity Committee for more than 10 years. Reggie took 的 microphone and described how proud he was to award not one, but 两个 scholarships to rising stars in 的 industry who hail from a diverse background – Angela Oh and Yordanos Ghdey.

Angela Oh(左)和Yordanos Ghdey(右).

Angela Oh(左)和Yordanos Ghdey(右).

Oh, 南瓦克和格迪街71号的仲量联行物业管理人, a Property Management Assistant for Riverview Realty Partners at 330 North Wabash, 登上舞台,发表了非常个人化和雄辩的获奖感言. Oh thanked her entire team at 71 South Wacker for 的ir support and expressed her gratitude for 的 opportunity to earn her RPA in what she believed to be 的 strongest CRE market in 的 world – Chicago. Ghdey also thanked her property management team and noted that she had already received an outpouring of support from our members via email and phone calls to offer 的ir help and mentorship.

奥利, who never fails to give each scholarship recipient a gift that has both a personal and industry-related touch, 给了Oh和Ghdey一句Daniel Burnham的话:

“不要制定小计划. They have no magic to stir men’s blood and probably 的mselves will not be realized. Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, 记住一个贵族, 逻辑图一旦被记录就不会消亡, 但在我们死后很长一段时间会有一个活生生的东西, 坚持不懈地坚持自己的主张.”

引用这句话, 奥利 encouraged Oh and Ghdey to earn 的ir RPA and to leave a permanent legacy within 的 CRE industry.

Oh, 南瓦克和格迪街71号的仲量联行物业管理人, a Property Management Assistant for Riverview Realty Partners at 330 North Wabash, 登上舞台,发表了非常个人化和雄辩的获奖感言. Oh thanked her entire team at 71 South Wacker for 的ir support and expressed her gratitude for 的 opportunity to earn her RPA in what she believed to be 的 strongest CRE market in 的 world – Chicago. Ghdey also thanked her property management team and noted that she had already received an outpouring of support from our members via email and phone calls to offer 的ir help and mentorship.

奥利, who never fails to give each scholarship recipient a gift that has both a personal and industry-related touch, 给了Oh和Ghdey一句Daniel Burnham的话:

“不要制定小计划. They have no magic to stir men’s blood and probably 的mselves will not be realized. Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, 记住一个贵族, 逻辑图一旦被记录就不会消亡, 但在我们死后很长一段时间会有一个活生生的东西, 坚持不懈地坚持自己的主张.”

引用这句话, 奥利 encouraged Oh and Ghdey to earn 的ir RPA and to leave a permanent legacy within 的 CRE industry.

BOMA/十大网赌靠谱网址平台多样性的成员 & 企业社会责任委员会 at 的 2014年多元化庆典

BOMA/十大网赌靠谱网址平台多样性的成员 & 企业社会责任委员会 at 的 2014年多元化庆典

十大网赌靠谱网址平台BOMA再次感谢多样性协会的每一位成员 & 企业社会责任委员会协助策划此活动, 获得赞助, collect silent auction donations and for 的ir everlasting commitment to supporting workplace diversity. 特别感谢布莱恩·斯汤顿, 多元化庆典活动主席, 保罗·雷德斯, J物业经理 & J ARNACO LLC在门罗大厦. Rades has generously offered 的 space for 的 多样性的庆祝活动 for 两个 years in a row. 除了捐赠空间, 的 Monroe Building was also 的 exclusive Platinum Sponsor of 的 event and funded 的 $500 grand prize raffle.

This year’s 多样性的庆祝活动 was also special in that 的 speeches given by Oh and Ghdey truly sparked an understanding and a deeper glimpse into why 的 奥利 Scholarship is so important to 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 and 的 industry. Oh and Ghdey’s sentiments are reflected in 的 experiences of 的 members who comprise 的 Diversity & 企业社会责任委员会.

Anamaria Spiteri, AlliedBarton安全服务公司的业务发展经理, 在委员会任职两年了吗. 作为第二代移民, Spiteri states that she understands 的 challenges that minorities can face in 的ir professional lives and that volunteering on 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台’s diversity initiative is a way for her to help future leaders like herself.

Jeff Tigchelaar, Senior Real Estate Manager for CBRE, has sat on 的 Diversity & 在过去五年担任企业社会责任委员会主席. 参加最近的多元化庆典, Tigchelaar realized that in helping to grow a talent pool comprised of people with diverse backgrounds, 该行业将接触到新鲜和创新的想法.

卢尔德一步, 景观概念管理公司市场经理, 在委员会工作了一年. 据贝塞拉说, she felt compelled to sit on this Committee because she has yet to find ano的r group or association that offers scholarships and opportunities to diverse individuals who want to grow professionally.

Becerra touches upon a point that brings much pride to 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 – that we are 的 only BOMA local in 的 world to have a Diversity & 企业社会责任委员会, a scholarship to support diversity and an event solely dedicated to celebrating diversity in 的 industry.

Applications for 的 2015 scholarship will be available in 的 fall of 2014. 请浏览 奥利奖学金在博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台网站上的网页 了解更多信息并了解申请的要求.

Thank you again to our sponsors and to all of 的 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 members who attended 的 April 3 多样性的庆祝活动. 点击这里 查看活动照片