
教育al Opportunities Abound – How Will You Take Your Career to the Next Level?

By Jaclynne Madden, 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 Marketing & 教育项目经理

劳动节来了又走了. 九月的寒意弥漫在空气中. Businesses are flooding the airwaves to tout backpack sales and notebook bargains.

All of the signs are here – fall has arrived and back-to-school season has kicked into fifth gear.

考虑到 教育产品 are one of the core 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 member benefits, it’s important to remember that back-to-school season is not just for the kids. Investing in education is a lifelong endeavor. Whether you are one of 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台’s emerging leaders or an experienced CRE professional, we have a multitude of 2014 and 2015 educational opportunities planned for you.

博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 educational programs are designed to incorporate adult-learning methodology and are organized in ways that increase skillsets with minimum disruption to your busy schedules. 教室环境很有趣, timely and unintimidating so that you can naturally hone your CRE k现在ledge while building relationships with instructors and fellow students. And what’s even better is that when you leave the 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 classroom, you will walk away with information and expertise that can be immediately applied to your job.

Below are the 教育产品 that we have in store for you.

Real Property Administrator (RPA) and Facilities Management Administrator (FMA) BOMI International designation programs are recognized on national and international levels as marks of distinction and excellence throughout the property and facility management industries. The successful completion of a designation program allows you to gain a deep understanding of how to increase the value of properties and/or operate facilities at peak efficiency.

博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 will be offering the following six 战/菲利普-马萨类 (five of which are required) through 2015:

  • Asset Management (Elective): October-November 2014
  • Real Estate and Finance (Required): January-February 2015
  • The Design, Operation, and Maintenance of Building Systems, Part II (Required): March-April 2015
  • Ethics is Good Business (Required): May 2015
  • Environmental Health and Safety Issues (Required): July-August 2015
  • 预算 & Accounting (Required): September-October 2015

Learn more and view the schedule by clicking here.

另外,三个中的两个 高性能(HP)类 2015年会在当地提供吗. 这些课程是 BOMI的高性能项目 that launched in June 2014 and they will give you the opportunity to earn an enhanced designation (RPA|HP or FMA|HP). Here are the two HP courses we will offer:

  • High-Performance 可持续性 (Principles): March 2015
  • High-Performance 可持续性 (Practices): September 2015

Now that you have an idea of our 2014-2015 schedule, here is an overview of the educational scholarship opportunities you can take advantage of 现在.

通过BOMA/十大网赌靠谱网址平台基金会, those currently working in commercial real estate have a tremendous opportunity to receive a scholarship that will cover all (or part of) the cost of tuition toward earning the industry’s highest designations – the RPA and FMA. Below are the three scholarships you may be eligible for:

全额指定奖学金: 这项奖学金价值10美元,000 and provides funding for all eight required RPA or FMA designation courses. Application season for this scholarship is 现在 open and applications are due by November 7, 2014.

奥利奖学金The 奥利奖学金 is designed to promote diversity within the CRE industry by allowing recipients to earn full tuition toward the RPA. Applications will be accepted from December 1, 2014 until February 13, 2015.

单科奖学金This scholarship is valued at approximately $1,400 and provides funding for one designation course. Applications are due a minimum of two months in advance of the start date of the course for which the applicant is requesting scholarship funds.

Achieving success goes to those who have the most k现在ledge, expertise and credentials…and also to those who leap at opportunities such as the ones we outlined above. Give yourself a competitive edge in this dynamic industry 今天 by participating in our relevant and affordable educational programs and by applying for a scholarship that could propel your career.

How have 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台’s 教育产品 enhanced your career? What educational programs would you like to see 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 offer in the future? 请在下方留言.

For more information about educational courses offered by 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 and available scholarships, 联系Jaclynne Madden jmadden@taxidalat24h.net.