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2018 Economic Impact Series, Why Chicago

BOMA/Chicago委托仲量联行进行了一项研究,分析了推动企业前往十大网赌靠谱网址平台的趋势,并确定了我们城市面临的一些必须解决的挑战,以确保十大网赌靠谱网址平台仍然是一个卓越的企业目的地. 该研究还旨在扩展2017年委托进行的先前经济影响研究, 2012 and 2006.

We are pleased to share our latest Economic Impact Series report, Why Chicago? You can view the full report and view the analysis.

So, why Chicago?

Overwhelmingly, 公司在决定是否选择十大网赌靠谱网址平台时最重要的考虑因素是人才.

With national unemployment rates of 4 percent, coupled with the fact that Chicago is the nation’s best-educated big city, this is not shocking. 然而,令人惊讶的是天赋和其他选择之间的差距. More than 60 percent cited talent as the leading factor. It beat out access to customers (15 percent); costs like build-outs and property taxes (12 percent); and branding and the ability to boost visibility and image (5 percent).

To keep this momentum going and continue to draw more companies to Chicago, 我们不能忽视城市面临的挑战,这些挑战往往是进入壁垒. However, 我们可以进一步研究是什么有效地吸引了企业来十大网赌靠谱网址平台,并找出我们如何放大这些属性.

Tech is where it’s at

Drilling down talent even further, 我们发现,在科技行业内获取人才至关重要,影响也最大.

Tech is currently the fastest growing sector of our local economy. 这在一定程度上是由于在科技行业就业最多的城市中,这些城市的工资最低.For example, 在十大网赌靠谱网址平台而不是硅谷开设技术办公室可以为公司节省超过46美元,000 per employee, per year. 再加上相对较低的生活成本,这对企业来说是一个巨大的优势.

Culture is key


Across all neighborhoods, Chicago has a wealth of culture and entertainment, with its world-renowned restaurants, thriving music and theatre scenes, and other cultural experiences, there is no shortage of things to do in the city. These are especially important among millennials, who are widely known for preferring experiences over goods.

In fact, more young, 与美国其他城市相比,受过良好教育的专业人士选择搬到十大网赌靠谱网址平台市中心而不是郊区.S. 因此,中央商务区(CBD)的发展速度比前几年要快. Right now, 79 percent of CBD residents have a bachelor’s degree or higher, which is 30 percent above the national average. 居住在十大网赌靠谱网址平台市中心的年轻、受过教育的千禧一代人数增加了15%.3 percent in recent years.

The place to be right now (and later on)

随着越来越多的年轻专业人士和企业进入这座城市,他们都去了哪里? The good news is there isn’t only one hot spot. In reality, several up-and-coming areas are rapidly growing.

Primed for more growth – Fulton Market has seen 36.6 percent population growth since 2010, more than any other location in the Central Business District. Meanwhile, River North experienced an increase of 14.8 percent. Collectively, the Central Loop and East Loop have seen a 14 percent rise, and the South Loop has grown by 11.8 percent.


未来的繁荣——大约58%的受访者认为西环线是未来最有趣的子市场, followed by River North (46 percent) and Fulton Market (34.6 percent).

Whether for client meetings or daily commutes, 连接社区的能力对考虑十大网赌靠谱网址平台的企业来说很重要. 靠近机场也为员工的商务旅行增加了便利. Fortunately, Chicago is performing well in both areas.

Getting from here to there

十大网赌靠谱网址平台人受益于拥有两个国际机场:奥黑尔机场和中途机场. Together, these provided more than 1.1 million total flights in 2017. 这两个城市都很容易到达,平均开车时间为50分钟,从市中心乘坐公共交通工具平均需要40分钟,比纽约和洛杉矶都要好.

尽管十大网赌靠谱网址平台在美国土木工程师协会基础设施报告卡上的排名高于全国平均水平, more needs to be done. Thankfully, it is.


  • Massive expansion for O’Hare coming soon
  • 从市中心到奥黑尔的特快列车计划在12分钟内完成(目前为45-50分钟)
  • 可能投资超过10亿美元用于联合车站和通勤铁路的改善

That’s great. But where can we improve?

Without question, Chicago outperforms in many areas. However, 我们会naïve不认识到在企业眼中有几个需要改进的问题和领域.

功能失调的政治——十大网赌靠谱网址平台和伊利诺伊州都有政治不和的历史, 结果导致了两极分化的环境,在民选官员之间造成了裂痕,并破坏了通过财政健全预算所需的妥协. Compounding this situation, Illinois has more units of government than any other state with nearly 7,000 governmental organizations, resulting in duplicative and overlapping mandates.

暴力犯罪-我们有一个不幸的全国声誉作为一个城市充满了暴力犯罪. However, overall crime in Chicago has lessened over the last 20 years, despite an uptick in recent years. 暴力犯罪集中在城市的某些地区,中央商务区的犯罪率仅为南部和西部部分地区的三分之一或更少.

高税收——十大网赌靠谱网址平台和伊利诺伊州历来受到预算不足和开支上升的挑战. 会计真相(TIA)将十大网赌靠谱网址平台的财政状况在75个人口最多的城市中排名第74位, earning it an “F” on TIA’s grading scale. Chicago has a long-term debt of $40.50亿美元,相当于每个十大网赌靠谱网址平台纳税人的45,200美元,主要是由于养老金义务. To make matters worse, Illinois has a $216.1 billion shortfall, equivalent to $50,800 in individual taxpayer burden.

这些都是非常严峻的挑战,对于那些考虑将十大网赌靠谱网址平台作为选址地点的公司来说,都是非常重要的. 目前,许多人认为利大于弊,十大网赌靠谱网址平台强劲的经济就证明了这一点. However, these issues must be addressed.

As Chicagoans, we are all in this together as we work toward solutions. Throughout our history, BOMA/Chicago一直是商业房地产行业的坚定倡导者. 我们将继续沿着这条道路前进,并与我们当选和任命的官员密切合作,使这座城市成为企业和居民的更好家园.

Of course, you’re encouraged to get involved, too. For us to be effective advocates, 我们也期待我们的成员发出你们的声音,并在需要时支持我们的行动呼吁.

Thank you to our Board of Directors, 感谢通讯委员会和仲量联行在开发本系列的过程中提供的持续指导和支持.