

作者:史蒂芬·S. 莫里尔,莫里尔校长 & 菲德勒有限责任公司(M&F)

Because the commercial office industry is profoundly impacted by legislative and regulatory activity at the state and local levels, 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台会员和附属机构理所当然地密切关注伊利诺斯州的选举.  在当前的选举周期中,这一点可能尤其正确, since it will produce a General Assembly that will inevitably address a host of tax-related issues in a state with significant budget challenges, 以及来自公用事业公司和其他机构的各种能源相关提案.  也不可避免地, Illinois lawmakers elected this November will confront a variety of proposals that may impact how commercial real estate is assessed for property tax purposes, how commercial office buildings shall be required to meet the life safety needs of tenants and the public, 以及如何最好地监管持牌商业房地产专业人士, 除此之外.  考虑到这一切, we preview for the 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 community the various races that will appear on the Illinois 2018 general election ballot.


The two majority-party candidates are Governor Bruce Rauner (incumbent and 代表ublican candidate) and J.B. 普利兹克(民主党候选人).  There are two minor-party candidates who will also be on the ballot: Kash Jackson of the Libertarian Party, 以及新保守党现任共和党州参议员萨姆·麦凯恩.  山姆·麦凯恩的候选人资格是由于: (a) a failed attempt by Governor Rauner to unseat McCann during his last primary election campaign for State 森ate; (b) continued division within the conservative base of the GOP party after a divisive primary race between Governor Rauner and 代表. Jeanne Ives; and (c) financial support of labor unions to McCann to help siphon away conservative voters from Rauner in the November election.

最新的独立民意调查, 由南伊利诺伊大学保罗·西蒙公共政策研究所提供, 普利兹克以49比27领先劳纳吗.  尽管民主党和共和党的各种内部民意调查显示差距更近, 最近所有已知的民调都显示普利兹克遥遥领先.  Perhaps reflecting the “blue wave” predicted by many in the media during this Presidential midterm election, the Simon Institute shows a generic Democrat versus 代表ublican preference statewide in Illinois of 49-27 (the same margin as the Pritzker-Rauner matchup), 对选票上下都有明显的影响.  The favorable environment for Pritzker is also reflected in campaign resources for the two self-funding candidates: the last contribution Rauner made to his own campaign fund was for $50 million on December 20, 2016; since that date, 普利兹克在自己的账户里存了1.46亿美元.  当然, polls and other factors represent snap-shot views at moments in time in a fluid and ever-changing process, 离选举还有一个月.

挑战者普利兹克应该赢得州长职位吗, there will be new leadership in  all (or virtually all) executive branch agencies; should Governor Rauner win reelection, 大多数高级机构人员将继续留任, 尽管在第二个任期内不可避免地会有新人员的加入.


Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan (D) surprised many in Illinois politics in deciding to step away from her role as Attorney General and not seek re-election in 2018.  The current election for Illinois Attorney General is between State 森ator Kwame Raoul (Democratic candidate), 哈佛法学院毕业生,前美国小姐冠军艾丽卡·哈罗德(共和党候选人), 布巴·哈西(自由党候选人).

Secretary of State Jesse White (D-Chicago) is seeking re-election to his sixth term as Illinois Secretary of State.  他的对手是杰森·赫伦德(共和党候选人)和斯科特·达特纳(自由党候选人)。.

伊利诺斯州众议院前代表, 前十大网赌靠谱网址平台市书记, 伊利诺伊州审计长苏珊娜·门多萨即将结束她的第一个任期. 门多萨的竞争对手是共和党候选人达琳·桑格和自由党候选人克莱尔·鲍尔.

前州参议员迈克尔·弗里克斯即将结束他作为财政部长的第一个任期. 他的竞争对手是共和党候选人吉姆·道奇和自由党候选人迈克·莱尼.

在每一个州级办事处, 最近的民意调查显示民主党候选人明显领先.


民主党目前在伊利诺伊州议会两院都占多数.  The Illinois 森ate now has a Democratic super-majority with 37 Democratic members and 22 代表ublican members (36 votes are required to override a gubernatorial veto).  The Illinois House has 67 Democratic members and 51 代表ublican members (just four seats short of the 71 needed to override a gubernatorial veto).  所有人都预计民主党在2018年大选后将继续占据多数席位, and every indication suggests that the same legislative leaders will hold power in the coming General Assembly: House Speaker Michael Madigan (D. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台),参议院主席约翰·卡尔顿(民主党). 众议院少数党领袖吉姆·德金(Jim Durkin). 参议院少数党领袖比尔·布雷迪(R. 布卢明顿).

The 2018 election cycle in Illinois has seen a record number of state legislators who have either resigned, 在初选中失利, or announced retirement or candidacy for a different elected office – leading to a sizable increase in the number of competitive state legislative races.  Currently there are 34 state legislators (or almost 20% of the entire legislature) who will not be returning to legislative office when the 101st 伊利诺伊州议会将于2019年1月就职.  目前的“跛脚鸭”和辞职的议员名单如下:

  • 森. 艾拉·西尔弗斯坦(民主党)——输掉了2018年的初选
  • 代表. 丹·伯克(民主党)——输掉了2018年的初选
  • 代表. 大卫·赖斯(共和党)——输掉了2018年的初选
  • 森. 凯尔·麦卡特(右)——2018年退休
  • 森. 蒂姆·比文斯(右)——2018年退休
  • 代表. 迈克·福特纳(右)- 2018年退休
  • 代表. Bob Pritchard (R) – retirement/resigned in 2018; replacement appointed
  • 代表. Chad Hays (R) – retirement/resigned in 2018; replacement appointed
  • 代表. 芭芭拉·惠勒(右)——2018年退休
  • 代表. Patti Bellock (R) – retirement/resigned in 2018; replacement appointed
  • 代表. 比尔·米切尔(右)——2018年退休
  • 森.  比尔·海恩(D)——2018年退休
  • 代表. 史蒂夫·安德森(右)——2018年退休
  • 代表. 萨拉·吉米内斯(右)——2018年退休
  • 代表. 卡罗尔·森特(D)——2018年退休
  • 众议院多数党领袖芭芭拉·弗林·柯里将于2018年退休
  • 代表. 约翰·卡瓦莱托(右)——2018年退休
  • 森. Pam Althoff (R) – retirement/resigned in 2018; replacement appointed
  • 代表. 雷吉·菲利普斯(右)——2018年退休
  • 参议院多数党领袖詹姆斯·克莱本(民主党)将于2018年退休
  • 代表. 阿尔·莱利(D)——2018年退休
  • 代表. 大卫·哈里斯(右)——2018年退休
  • 森. 萨姆·麦凯恩(共和党)——2018年退休(第三党州长候选人)
  • 代表. 辛西娅·索托(D) - 2018年退休
  • 森. McConnaughay (R) – retirement/resigned in 2018; replacement appointed
  • 代表. Nick Sauer (R) – resigned in 2018; replacement appointed
  • 代表. Silvana Tabares – resigned in 2018; replacement appointed
  • 代表. 斯科特·德鲁里(民主党)——在司法部长初选中失利
  • 代表. 劳拉·法恩(民主党)——竞选州参议员. bis区)
  • 森. 丹·比斯(民主党)——在州长初选中失利
  • 代表. 布赖恩·斯图尔特(共和党)——竞选州参议员席位. Bivins区)
  • 代表. 朱莉安娜·斯特拉顿(民主党)——竞选中尉. 州长(JB Pritzker的竞选伙伴)
  • 代表. 利特萨·华莱士(民主党)——在中校的初选中失利. 州长(丹·比斯的竞选伙伴)
  • 代表. Jeanne Ives (R) – lost primary for Governor; will not seek re-election to House

注:如果. 拉乌尔赢得了司法部长的竞选,他将放弃参议院席位.


Consistent with approval/disapproval polling numbers for President Trump in different regions of Illinois, 代表ublicans hope to pick up legislative seats downstate (where Democrat incumbents are playing defense in relative Trump-favoring areas), while Democrats hope to pick up seats in the suburbs and collar counties (where 代表ublican incumbents are playing defense in relative Trump-disfavoring areas).  Most observers predict a range of net outcomes from status quo to several-seat Democratic gains in each chamber.


两国都没有.S. 森ators in Illinois are up for re-election this year; however, there are four competitive U.S. 值得关注的众议院竞选:

  • 彼得·罗斯卡姆(R. IL-6)对民主党人肖恩·卡斯滕
  • 迈克·博斯特(共和党. 民主党人布伦丹·凯利
  • 罗德尼·戴维斯(共和党. IL-13)对民主党人贝特西·朗德里根(Betsy Londrigan)
  • 兰迪·霍尔特格伦(共和党. IL-14)和民主党人劳伦·安德伍德(Lauren Underwoo)

While 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 focuses more attention on state and local governments rather than federal advocacy, 本协会支持BOMA/International与联邦有关的努力.  商业办公行业当前关注的联邦问题之一是《十大网赌靠谱网址平台》诉讼改革, 联邦税收改革和资本利得税, 基础设施和保护能源之星.


十大网赌靠谱网址平台市长办公室在伊利诺伊州具有特殊的政治和政府意义, and the recent announcement by Rahm Emanuel that he will not seek reelection has helped produce a huge array of candidates and consume a great deal of media and public attention.  这次无党派选举将于2019年2月举行(第一轮), with an absolute majority needed to avoid a runoff between the top two finishers) and April of 2019 (the second round, 如果有必要的话).  目前公布的候选人包括:

  • 托尼·普瑞克温克尔,目前正在竞选库克县董事会主席的连任.
  • 比尔·戴利,前白宫幕僚长和美国外交政策顾问.S. 商务部长(在奥巴马总统领导下)和美国.S. Commerce Secretary (under President Clinton; son and brother to former Chicago Mayors.
  • Gery Chico,十大网赌靠谱网址平台教育委员会前主席.
  • 加里·麦卡锡,前十大网赌靠谱网址平台警察局长.
  • 洛里·莱特富特,前警察委员会主席.
  • 保罗·瓦拉斯,十大网赌靠谱网址平台公立学校前首席执行官.
  • 多萝西·布朗,巡回法院书记员.
  • 威利·威尔逊,十大网赌靠谱网址平台富商,前市长候选人.
  • 尼尔·塞斯-格里芬,科技企业家.
  • 马修·罗尼,制药技师,德保罗学生.
  • 特洛伊·拉维维尔,前CPS校长.
  • 约翰·科兹拉,律师,前市议会候选人.
  • 小耶利米·乔伊斯.、律师.
  • 贾马尔·格林,社区活动家.
  • 政策顾问Amara Enyia说.

由于11月下旬的申请截止日期,最终的候选人名单仍不确定.  仍有可能参加竞选的人包括:苏珊娜·门多萨(Suzanna Mendoza), 目前正在竞选连任伊利诺斯州审计长, 伊利诺伊州众议员. 拉肖恩·福特(十大网赌靠谱网址平台民主党).


库克县议会主席托尼·普雷温克尔将在今年11月的连任竞选中无人反对, 她已经正式宣布竞选十大网赌靠谱网址平台市长.  她肯定会是一个顶级的市长候选人,也许是最受欢迎的.  她应该当选市长吗, 普瑞温克尔会腾出她的县办公室, which would be filled (either until the 2020 or 2022 election) by a sitting member of the 17-member Cook County Board.

县一级的BOMA/十大网赌靠谱网址平台特别感兴趣, 民主党人弗雷德里克·凯吉将于今年11月当选库克县评估师, 他在3月份的初选中击败了现任总统约瑟夫·贝里奥斯.


因为斯普林菲尔德的政策决定极大地影响了商业办公行业, 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台会员对伊利诺伊州的选举结果一直很感兴趣.  Hopefully this discussion provided some insight into the 2018 Illinois political landscape and the races to watch this election cycle.


M&F has represented 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 before Illinois state government for many years and of counsel at Barnes & Thornburg LLP).  科特·费德勒也为本文做出了贡献, 加里Hannig, 查克·哈特克和汉娜·史密斯, 莫里尔在麻省理工学院的同事&F.