
金环奖简介:Mary Pat Bitner, ABM Business & 行业

ABM Business的玛丽·帕特·比特纳 & 行业被评为2020年度BOMA/十大网赌靠谱网址平台附属会员.

Tell us about your involvement with both the commercial real estate industry and the local community.

I started in the Commercial Real Estate 行业 in Chicago 35 years ago.

In 1995, 我开始在CARA做志愿者, an organization which provides workplace 培训 to individuals struggling to break free from a cycle of homelessness and poverty.

从那时起,我一直是几个组织的积极成员. 我一直是博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台的积极参与者, and I always try to make sure ABM is represented and supporting their events throughout out the year.

I have also served as a board member of the Commercial Real Estate Network (CREN) for over 12 years.


ABM是城市设施解决方案的领先供应商, 郊区, 和农村地区通过独立或综合的解决方案. 我们提供全面的, custom facility solutions to properties of all sizes – from schools and commercial buildings to hospitals, 数据中心, 制造工厂和机场. ABM的解决方案包括清洁,设施工程,停车 & 交通,能源,电力,景观 & 的地盘,暖通空调 & 机械和关键任务服务.

We are also capable of delivering full site management and self-performing multiple lines of service along with offering clear, 简洁的报告, 安全和操作培训计划, 以客户为中心的技术解决方案. 此外, expertise and knowledge gained from self-performing services allows ABM to cross utilize labor and re-engineer services to increase efficiencies and reduce costs.

鉴于为应对COVID而对清洁技术的变化, what are some of ABM’s new practices and procedures that have been implemented this year?

ABM is uniquely positioned to help clients prevent exposure and curb the spread of pathogens through a three-step approach, 专家支持. Our EnhancedClean program entails return safely services to build trust that it is safe for clients to return to their workspace, frequent high touchpoint disinfection to instill confidence that a recurring cleaning and disinfection program is in place, and broader disinfection using electrostatic sprayers to reset an entire facility to higher standards.

We have established an Expert Advisory Council in partnership with leading infectious disease experts and industrial hygienists to guide the development of our program and 培训 processes.

促进执行的一致性和有效性, the EnhancedClean 培训 program educates our employees on proper program delivery, whereas our program certification validates ABM is using the right processes, 供应, 培训, 和沟通.

We have access to purchase high volumes of EPA registered disinfectant chemicals, 员工个人防护用品, 以及专门的设备来减少潜在的暴露. 此外, our EnhancedClean program features visual assurance through occupant signage to reassure occupants that their wellbeing is important and being cared for.

What are some of the challenges your industry is facing related to COVID?

一个干净的设施已经不够了. 在这前所未有的时代, there is a heightened sense of scrutiny for facility owners and managers to demonstrate that they’re doing their part to provide clean, 健康的, 以及安全的环境. We also understand that building occupants are hyper aware of the appearance of cleanliness and will expect more transparency and visibility into the cleaning process.  作为行业领导者, ABM is positioned to help educate facility management teams on the necessity of incorporating disinfection protocols to provide a healthier space and maintain occupant trust.

作为行业资深人士, what are some takeaways or lessons learned you have experienced over the years working in the CRE industry?

在卡拉教书的时候, 我学到了很多技能,这些技能对我以后在ABM工作很有帮助. 在卡拉, 我学会了如何训练别人, 我需要确保自己通过研究得到了良好的训练, 在线研讨会, 和/或类. This is important whether I am developing 培训 for new technologies like the i-mop, 客户服务教学, 或者向ABM的新高管解释商业模式.

快速解决问题是我学到的一项主要技能, 是否与人员有关, 设备, 或方法. 特别是在人力十大网赌靠谱网址平台问题上, I want to be sure the problems are addressed within Union guidelines and in accordance with the client agreements, 但同时也要维护个人的尊严. 尊重每一个参与其中的人是必不可少的.

我总是努力适应每一种情况的需要. Whether that is the needs of an individual client request for something specific like a response plan to meningitis, 例如, 或者整栋楼的清洁要求, listening to my clients and my employees is part of what helps build relationships that last for years.

商业地产的环境总是在变化, so you must always be ready to adapt to the next new thing—a lesson we are all learning this year more than ever.

Working at ABM and with our members, what are some of your proudest moments?

Within the industry, I have been proud to help with several charity organizations. 在CREN董事会任职期间, 例如, I was able to organize and solicit donations for the CREN Silent Auction. 拍卖所得高达8000美元,将捐给美国癌症协会.

At ABM, I created Earth Day programs at properties to help support environmental awareness. 其他许多客户经理也做过类似的工作.

然而, 商业地产行业之外, ABM has also allowed me the opportunity to work for a variety of charity organizations that are important to me. In addition to my volunteer work at Cara, I also volunteered with Wings which aids battered women. I organized drives to collect clothes for women and children seeking help with that organization. I have also worked with the Shriners to help raise donations for their Haitian and Jamaican poverty program.

我坚信要回馈给那些需要帮助的人, and I am probably most proud of the work I have done for these organizations.



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