

考特尼哈姆, 副总裁兼总经理,MB房地产在北拉萨尔, 被评为博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 2020年度物业管理专业人士.


高中时,我的第一份工作是每周在当地的购物中心工作几天. 我在一家服装店工作. 不幸的是, the folding skills I learned did not translate into a love of folding and putting away my laundry!



我的母亲在商业地产领域做了25年的物业经理和开发商. 通过她,我发现我喜欢学习建筑物的细节. I was drawn to the behind-the-scene activities and was in awe of what it took to keep everything running smoothly. This went from an eye-opening experience to a passion that has fueled my career in commercial real e状态. 谢谢,妈妈!

你监督了地标酒店的设计和建造, 该建筑的租户设施楼层配有全方位服务的健身中心, wi - fi休息室, 屋顶露台, 会议设施, 及管理处. During the planning and construction and roll-out what were some of the lessons you learned you could share with other members?

哦,天哪,这可能是一长串的课程. 首先,这几乎适用于任何大的努力,不要害怕问问题. 在监督这么大的项目时, 有很多活动的部分, 涉及到很多不同的行业. 作为物业经理,我们是各种各样的人,但不一定是大师. Use the resources and knowledge of those trade professionals to your advantage and learn all you can.

此外,让尽可能多的团队成员参与到这个过程中也很重要. 参与现场工作人员, from the Property Administrator to the Day Porter and everyone in between gives them all a sense of pride and ownership as well as an understanding of the big picture. 这可以使整个过程从一开始就更易于管理.

最后,我想说玩得开心! 在未来的某一天,你会诚实地说你“建造”了一些东西. And, when looking back at the process, the fond memories will outweigh the small frustrations.

考虑到2019冠状病毒病,你认为十大网赌靠谱网址平台的商业地产行业未来几年将走向何方? 或者你对联合办公、便利设施和/或租户空间的未来趋势有何预测?

十大网赌靠谱网址平台是一个充满活力的城市. 这个行业可能会根据租户的需求和愿望而改变, 但我们将根据人们的需求调整我们的房地产产品——我们将继续前进. 我们现在都要求保持社交距离,希望这不会成为未来的标准, 我们的工作空间不会有太大的变化. 我希望我有一个水晶球,能看到这场大流行何时以及如何最终结束. 但我肯定它会结束的——只是时间问题,而不是是否会结束. 我们会熬过去的.

What are some of the new safety precautions One North LaSalle and MB Real E状态 are taking?

I'm not sure if we have enough space for me to talk about all of our new safety precautions! 我们对工作场所安全的奉献似乎得到了现场工作人员的认同, 业主, 以及MB房地产公司, 所以我们都达成了共识, 这导致了大量新的安全措施.

从第一天起, 我们都听了当地的指导, 状态, 以及联邦公共卫生当局, 疾控中心和世界卫生组织也是如此, 这是我们清洁和消毒政策的基础. 对我们最大的帮助是直接咨询顶尖的流行病学家,比如Dr. 艾米丽兰登, Associate Professor of Medicine and Executive Medical Director of Infection Prevention and Control at the University of Chicago Medical Center. MB房地产公司甚至还举办了网络研讨会. Landon and we've been able to pick her brain to determine how to practically combat coronavirus without endangering people or wasting resources on things that just don't work.

我们的COVID-19行动计划是什么样的? 我们在主楼的电梯大厅里有洗手液. 我们在客流量大的地区为租户发布了疾病控制中心的教育信息, 安装MERV 14空气过滤器, 增加了外部空气吸入的百分比. We've closed shared spaces that won't allow for social distancing and have even been able to open some of those spaces back up—tenants can now schedule safe workouts in the fitness center.

我们已经做了很多, 主要是因为我们有一些非常聪明的饼干, 包括MB房地产的项目服务, 在工作中. 我们从第一阶段开始, where we were tactically responding to the pandemic and doing everything possible to accommodate tenants. We're beyond that now in a lot of ways and are really focusing on a more strategized response where we can improve the experience of employees who have returned to the office.

如果为了安全起见,我们需要撤回一些政策, 我们不会犹豫, 但随着疫情的消退,我们也制定了如何向前推进的战略.

What are some of the new ways you are communicating and working with tenants as they return to the building?

面对面的互动, 以前的黄金法则是什么, 是现在尽量避免的. 我们尝试用微软团队会议来补充电子邮件和电话, Skype for Business或Zoom呼叫. 保持联系是非常重要的. We have also surveyed the tenants more frequently to get insight on various topics during these unprecedented times.


我会毫不掩饰地和我的朋友和家人一起出去玩,给他们很多拥抱! I will put my many masks (as fashionable as they are) away in a drawer to hopefully never to be used again, 我再也不用为我的眼镜起雾而哀叹了.

你是十大网赌靠谱网址平台改造计划的成员. What are some of the benefits you and your building have gained as a part of this program and would you recommend other buildings members to join?

When you receive those ComEd or Peoples 能源 rebate checks to apply against the expense of a project directly, 在可预见的未来,公用事业费用将持续减少, 这使得要求所有者继续在项目上花钱变得容易得多. 也, 通过能够实施新项目, 你可以了解一些你可能永远无法参与的事情.

You led the design and implementation of the first dog-friendly building program in the Loop. What advice with you share with others about making this program mutually beneficial for the tenants and the building? 有什么经验可以分享吗?

就像我在a里写的 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台的博客, dogs really help a building feel like more than just four walls in which to conduct business. 我们刚出发的时候, it was obvious that dogs would improve morale and create a more positive work environment for tenants, 事实证明我们是对的. 对于企业主, 把你的小狗带到办公室真的可以帮助招聘新员工.

对于狗友好政策来说,最重要的是一个经过严格审查的政策. 尽可能提前考虑所有可能的情况, 从皮带要求到体重限制以及行为和健康规则. 在你把狗放出去之前, 尽你所能将你的政策准确地传达给大楼里的每个人吗. Hold meetings with everyone from security to engineering and your day porters to make sure you're all on the same page. 并通过举办活动来教育租户,比如欢迎狗狗加入的欢乐时光.


告诉我们一些你的大楼和租户支持的慈善事业. 你是如何选择这些机构的?为什么它们如此重要? 你的贡献和外展如何产生影响?

One North LaSalle participates every year in a coat drive benefitting the Salvation Army as well as 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台's Food Drive for the Greater Chicago Food Depository. 去年, 这座建筑收集了超过369磅的食物, 或者为饥饿的家庭提供308份优质餐点. 该建筑还参加了一年一度的“老大哥”活动, Big Sisters back-to-school supply/backpack drives; holds Blood and Bone Marrow drives benefitting the American Red Cross and National Marrow Donor Program; collects candy for Off the Street Club's Halloween celebration; and "lights up" for special causes, 比如乳腺癌和卵巢癌, 以及对自闭症的认识.

I think it is important to have a variety of causes to bring attention to and to allow people to make donations. When you think about the number of individuals that walk through the front door on a daily basis, 你意识到各行各业的人在现实中都会受到影响, 有形的方式,比如饥饿, 养家糊口, 或疾病. 每个人都有一个与自己息息相关的事业, and getting involved in as many opportunities to give as possible allows people to get involved in ways they might not have thought possible.


Get involved, ask questions, dive into the deep end of the pool, even if you don't know the answers! I don't think there is a manager out there that that won't be appreciative of a team member who wants to learn and tries to understand things on their own as opposed to just looking for an answer to be handed to them. I know I always feel more confident in myself and have gained a valuable learning lesson for the future when I've dived into new experiences. You never know when you will become the go-to person about a specific topic or what doors you may open to yourself.


了解行业内的其他人. 这是一个很小的世界,我们在其中工作并建立了联系, 和朋友, 多年来与其他行业领袖的合作一直很精彩.


我一直很喜欢《十大网赌靠谱网址》. 这是一项伟大的事业,而且恰好是我一年中最喜欢的时间之一. 也, the TOBY/Gold Circle 奖 is always one of the best nights of the year for the industry! 这是每个人闪耀的夜晚, 不管他们的建筑是托比奖还是他们个人是金圈奖. 每个人都全力以赴, and all of their hard work and dedication has been recognized for the entire industry to celebrate. 这是对所有商业物业管理人员最擅长的事情的庆祝.